sandtime Ce compte a été effacé |
27.03.2012 - 15:44 sandtime Ce compte a été effacé
Why not add mines and other things? Mines Mines would be invisible defense lines that have 20 defense and and 0 attack that cost 400 dollors.They dont affect marines or stealth and have a large radius to move(to get to the front lines). Barbwire 3 defense and plus 7 against all land units accept tanks, 0 attack for 150 dollors defensive turret shots anything in its short radius of movement without taking damage 5 attack 2 defense
27.03.2012 - 16:20
Mines: wouldn't not work in the current state of the game, unless the mines are able to attack. You can't engage in combat with a unit if the unit just steps on you, and no-one would be stupid enough to attack the mines. It is impossible to implement code-wise. Barbed wire: Uhh... again, units can only be a circle big. Coding makes it impossible for units to be any bigger. Defensive turret: I don't really see the point, it's like a really weak tank that attacks enemies on sight giving you almost no control over what you can do with it. Seems utterly useless.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
27.03.2012 - 17:31
You sir, have been stalking me. I have had this idea since last year, and somehow you post it the day I finally made a legitimate post on it. Curse yee >_<
sandtime Ce compte a été effacé |
27.03.2012 - 20:59 sandtime Ce compte a été effacé
No lol. what
01.09.2012 - 13:22
I think mines is a great idea and I have though about it as well. In addition, there should be both land-mines and water-mines, so that players can protect their coastal cities and fleets too.
01.09.2012 - 13:55
Barbwire could work being like a defense line, except stronger. However, like YOBA said they have to be circles so a barbwire fence for example would have to be two circles making a line (like defense line except barbwire fence) The other two wouldn't work for the reasons YOBA explained.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
01.09.2012 - 23:25
I think this is a bad idea however I would like to share something: when the helicopters were implemented as a unit, they were not alone. There was another unit called a fortress(I think that was the name?) which was +15 or +10 in defense lines. I'm not sure what happened to this but due to the fact it was not implemented, I'm going to assume it didn't work out.
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