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Messages: 6   Visité par: 71 users
15.11.2013 - 02:26
Why this player should be banned ,because of him lot of players who play for statistic will quith atwar ,i write many post in past for this problem ,mods dont do nothing.In other game this king_Loki will get perma ban he should be example for all cheaters,next time to think twice before try to scam sameone.
15.11.2013 - 02:28
What are you going to do? kill him and hang his dead corpse on the atwar homepage?
we all know dem feels...
15.11.2013 - 02:45
Read the game rules, they are not hidden, you have a choice to play or not to play. ban wall f@!ers rep farmers and sp farmers as well then. YOU do NOT have a choice when some one decides wall f#@k you and ruin the game for you. but you DO have a choice of playing the duel or not. Ive been playing for 2 years, you think i would have lot more elo if i did this all the time like you say i do, this usually doesn't work, 99% of people notice the " CAPTURE ICELAND" at the start of game LOL, unless some one like avatar/Van hellsink is doing it on purpose for photos. Many people have a life and don't take games so seriously, ive had some players rep me and think its super funny, NOW those people have a way more interesting life then you i think

Points mean nothing, they are just points, stop caring about whos got what and grow up. this is what happens when 14 year olds are mods and supporters. you should stop crying calling people "cheaters" when they are playing by the game rules. worry more about players that are trying to hack or crash atwar.

P.S atwar is FULL of all sorts of characters isnt it? thats what makes it fun. banning people for doing there own thing is just stupid. game on!!
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
15.11.2013 - 02:56
I don't see the problem I mean if you are going to duel someone you should know what the victory condition is.

It's like signing away your kidneys and suing the guy that put the pen in your hand.
15.11.2013 - 03:55
Goblin dont tell me what to do child, wow you sure seem butt hurt eh>? go get your self a girl friend i promise you you wont care so much about points on atwar xD

and the game rules are not only visible at start, but victory conditions are also shown in BIG BOLD LETTERS TURN 1 and also rules are displayed at game options anytime to see. another 14 year old im amusing. big words usually compensating for some thing.
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
15.11.2013 - 04:09
Locked. Flame war started.
Anyway i'll bring this to attention again...

Edit: No need, victory condition will be available during country selection in like 15 mins.

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