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Messages: 3   Visité par: 76 users
30.09.2011 - 14:49
Lord Revenge
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We have a strategy called The Perfect Defense, so why not "On The Offensive" ?

You could have all the offensive units higher in attack, but all the defensive units week in defense.

So infantry and milita could have -2 in defense, and Marines and Tanks, bombers etc... will have +2 in attack.

Also Transport (Air and sea) could be more expensive.

Your idea's on this?

If you don't like it, how would you improve it?
30.09.2011 - 16:24
See: Tank General and Blitzkrieg.
30.09.2011 - 18:58
Adding two offense to everything would be very, very OP'd. Blitz is mainly speed and not offense plus it can be a little bit expensive but this start would make you a little godlike.

Plus I always thought of Tank General as a crap version of Great Combinator. There is another thread with Strat ideas if someone can link it with some very good ideas.

Guest edit: continue here http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=273

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