02.08.2012 - 00:31 ![]() Nirn: Meridia's Samhain, our first themed "expansion", has just been released! It is currently in v1/5, so there may be balancing issues, and a few art issues. Please report them all here, so I may fix and balance whatever you find out of place. I will be hosting 3 games of it this evening (You can obviously find the map too, simply type "Nirn" into the CM search bar, and click on "Nirn: meridia's samhain"), at 7:30 PM EST, 9:00 PM EST, and 10:30 PM EST. Thank you for your support, and thank you for playing! ~C.S.R.
03.08.2012 - 23:13 ARCHIVES (8/2/2012) First pre-build of Tamriel: Skyrim™ Cyrodiil™ Valenwood & Elsweyr™ Black Marsh & Morrowind™ Hammerfell & High Rock™ News History: ![]() Linky This is a WORK IN PROGRESS, and is subject to many changes. Hello! This thread is dedicated to informing you on the happenings of my project on bringing the world of Nirn™ straight to Afterwind! It has taken 2 months to configure the current build, Plainly and Artistically. In the next build (A. v2) province's and Countries will be configured in a better strategical sense, while keeping Canon quality from The Elder Scrolls™ series intact. Please comment and give me your two cents of the art style thus far, please comment your suggestions and any errors you find. Update: The first true build for Tamriel™ is complete: With Color Without Color (8/3/2012) A glimpse of what's to come: With the new Custom maps announcement, I was originally excited, but then fearful. I wondered "Will I make a map?" "Will people like it?". Me being some sort of Troglodite/Autist/Creature thing-a-majiig I am, I set out on an Internet nerd's quest to acquire the knowledge and know-how to create a hopefully successful Custom map in what I like to call, Afterwind 2. This update will change things so much...it's very appropriate to call it just that. I would pay upwards $20-70 for the game with the update if it were ever retail; this update will change fucking everything. So, I decided upon Tamriel, or possibly all of Nirn (Which I downsized to just Tamriel, Pyandonea, Thras, and Yokuda). Over the next month and a quarter or so, I've been working very hard on various versions of Nirn and using different Artistic approaches. Originally, I was going to base it upon TES 1: Arena's (TM) map, which is quite different than our current, modern rendition. Some differences include Vvardenfell being a much different (and annoying shape), full of archipelagos and ashy villages. Skyrim also had a slightly different boundary to it, but not so much that it could be considered non-canon. Cyrodiil on the other hand, was supposedly supposed to be a vast jungle wilderness, with only the Imperial City as a cosmopolitan metropolis. I finally settled on a half-and-half version of Nirn, taking elements from the Old Series (Arena through Travels) and the New Series (Morrowind through Dawnguard). Then came the task of finding people to help coordinate different Artistic efforts and strategical elements into the map. In the end though, none of my Cartograph-buddies wanted to spend that much time on this one map...so I've been taking my own aspects to the project and adding as I wish (Kudos to my friend on DeviantArt who provided the initial Coastline, modified by me). Now, as you may notice, I use the term "Build" a lot. This can be taken many ways, but to save you some brain cells, simply put, it's the singular renditions of the map. I plan on having 8 by the end, and havin 3 in the Alpha phase, 3 in the Beta, and 2 in the final release. Why 2? One for the release, and one as a patch to fix any errors. Of course that custom map will always be supported by me, but it will come after other projects after I finish it. Now, on to new developments in the now A. v2 (Alpha, version (build) 2)! We'll be using the Mer-pelago of Pyandonea as our little "leak" or example today: ![]() As you can see, the archipelago now has a very, very sexy aqua color to it. How did it achieve this, and why did it achieve this? Well, the initial In-line (Totally Kawaii Desu term for inner-outlinings *le (8/4/12) Oh, the colors entice you? In yesterday's update, I detailed my plans with Afterwind's Scenarios v2 Update, and what I'll be doing with it. Today, I have good news! I have finished the color palette for Tamriel, and have two separate options available, that YOU can decide! First, I want to detail the Artistic options I have in store for your pleasure. On the left hand, we have a palette that consists of a wide variety of colors that match with their respective lands greatly (Valenwood = Navy Blue, Summerset Isles = Sunlight, for example). On the right hand though, we have a one-color palette. "One-color? How would that work?" Well, it would be the color Cyrodiil is below: ![]() The entire map could look just like Cyrodiil and be User-friendly, editable by regular Jaggoffs, and nice on the eyes. The other palette looks very nice just for one Scenario, but with this second scheme, we could make many different scenarios of the map for different times in Tamriel's history, without it looking beyond weird. So, comment your thoughts below, tell me what you think so far, chose a color palette, and stay inclined withmy updates in the future! -Gardy Update: The first build of Nirn (Tamriel) is complete. Check the main posting to see A.v1 builds of each area of the map! (8/5/12) A spoonful of Dragon fire and frosted Humans Hello! Sorry for this late -- very late -- and short -- update. I have talked to over a dozen people in various places, and have decided it's probably time to let you all know what Build 2, 3, and 4 will be about: Not Tamriel! That's right, no sense at all huh? Well...that's because I plan on adding Atmora, Merithia, and Akavir to our map of Nirn, so Tamriel isn't so lonely! This won't be easy, as I literally have to make up over 100 cities that fit in with the canon snug, but I enjoy doing things like this, so it shouldn't be too hard. ![]() So, if you have any suggestions or comments or feedback in general, comment below or feel free to contact me with a private message, I love feeback so hearing what you have to say will definitely make me more motivated...one way, or another! Good night! 10/10/2012 The Crimson Countdown ![]() We have ten long days in-between us and what I hope to be the most amazing thing I've ever created (a man can dream...). In the next 5 days, I will upload the specs, cities, population numbers, Units, and the map itself. I'm currently having trouble re-sizing the canvas, as the map is around 10000 x 3000, and my RAM simply cannot handle something that large in scale at the moment, but I will find a way. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned-into this thread for upcoming updates and the likes. 10/11/2012 Our Final Product ![]() Full map (7000x3000, caution to PC's with RAM issues) Here it is folks! I have not yet named all of the cities in Akavir and Atmora in this version, but my newest version (P-Av673.5) has all of Tang Mo and Ka'Po'Tun finished, which I will be uploading later in the week. This will be a short post, as I'm well aware you'd rather skim around the map than listen to me blather on about things. Thank you for reading, and please leave your feedback, it's much appreciated! -C.S.R 10/17/2012 Gamma release ![]() It's here, folks! Our Gamma (Pre-Alpha is just so DULL!) release of Nirn is here! Currently, we have 3 playable countries, 13 cities, and 3 units! All three countries have their ups and downs, and using a specific one requires extensive thought and knowledge (I suggest using PD with County Bravil, Relentless Attack with The Nibenay, and None for Southern Rumare). As seen in the image above, unit movement in fully coordinated in this release, unlike the last, laggy one. I've also balanced almost everything to how you, the players, wish it to be. I'm currently working on a solution to the Def/Off problem, which I will update you on in the future. We will be updating Nirn with a new, playable version every Tuesday, and ever Friday. This Friday, we will be adding 3 more countries, 2 new units, and a special little secret for the explorers who found Con-quey already ![]() ![]() Obviously, the maximum number of players in-game is currently only 3, but with Friday's release, it will be lifted to 6, under the right conditions. Each of the three countries (Southern Rumare, The Nibenay, County Bravil) cost roughly around 5000 - 5500 to obtain in the beginning of a match, and rack in a specific amount of Septims per turn. The Nibenay is at 200, Rumare at 400, and Bravil at 500. Like stated in my previous post, Bravil is great for the Sit-in-and-wait style of play, while the Niben is good for an all-out war. Rumare is right in the middle, with a little dash of both, figuratively and literally. Chose the country that fits your play-style, and bring an all out war to your Imperial enemies! But most importantly, play for fun, and report any bugs you see back here. We currently have three very different units installed into the map, let's start off with our favorite Knee-joke connoisseur: The Guardia. The Guardia is your practical Defensive unit, with very high defensive stats, and meh offensive stats. The unit is relatively cheap, and can be used to invoke dread into your opponents if you use PD. Our second unit, The Legionnaire, is your best bud when it comes to plundering and bombarding your opponent with Imperial power! The unit has high offensive stats, and meh defensive stats. Finally, we have The Arrow Ship. It is our practical, and needed Transport. You stick the units in one door, direct it across the lake, the units leave through the other door. We all know the drill. ![]() I would like to thank you for reading this post, for playing my Maps/Scenarios, and for getting Nirn featured in the maps tab. I wish to all of you as much luck and skill as possible, and may let the best player defeat the rest! -C.S.R 10/19/2012 Update 1 Our first Friday update is now Live! 3 new countries have been added, along with two units, and a new secret. That is all I will say for now, as I would like you all to discover everything else on your own. Good luck, and may the scum be with your criminal! Remember, search "Nirn: Pre-Alpha Public 2: EB" to find the updated version. Thank you for playing and reading. -C.S.R ![]() ![]() Larger version Yes, you just read that right. This week's update will be a complete Map-overhaul and Expansion- face the wrath, of Meridia! Daedric prince of Life & Energy! Meridia is pissed the hell off on this fine day, as it happens to be the season on Samhain in Tamriel, when the undead walk much more prominently and people celebrate and worship the Nine divine seeking refuge from the forces of mort. Meridia has always had a hatred for undead, and this year, she plans on eradicating them all. She has assembled a Horde of Mann & Mer followers to destroy all undead, and all who protect them. Will you join the Meridian Horde? Or the Undead Entente? Chose wisely! Tamriel PA: Meridia's Samhain drops either tomorrow or Saturday, depending on if I have release time, and the map is stable. ![]() I have taken a great amount of time this week just for this, so I hope you all appreciate it, and leave me every criticism you have, so I may further make it better. Last release, hardly anyone replied, nor played, which made me a Sad Panda. Luckily, I will advertise the living hell out of this expansion, so hopefully my goal of getting this to 30 plays by next release (This expansion will have 3 release, this release will consist of Undead-only forces, next release will be the Meridia v Undead scenario, third will be a map that has the victor's units, and the final borders, plus an amazing foodnipple of surprises). ![]() As seen above, the entire playable map is now shrouded by Ouroboros, and the Meridial Mirror! All of Tamriel is blanketed in a deep warm glow as the Oblivion gates open, letting Meridia's Daedra and other servants in. I have currently uploaded 5 exclusive-to-this-scenario units, which we will highlight tomorrow, along with new countries, cities, and much more. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me, I wish you all an amazing experience with my Maps & Afterwind in general, always stay tuned for further announcements, and be sure to check out my other Nirn scenarios (V1 & V2) while you wait for this puppy to finalize! ~C.S.R.
05.08.2012 - 01:49
I think we can all agree when I say: NEEERRRRRRRRD. But in all seriousness, this is a really good map. Personally, I'd prefer multicolour for more variety. It'll be interesting to play when the update comes out, I hope you make more maps.
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
05.08.2012 - 11:18
"Neeeeeerd"? Thanks for the compliment ![]() No seriously, I wouldn't call myself a "Nerd", when it comes to academics I really flunk out due to my being overly-hyper, and hating being around people. Think of TheAmazingAtheist if you will ![]() OT: Thank you! I wasn't sure about the colored version as I wanted to release the map to the public a week after it comes out so they can make their own maps with it, but that would be hard with the different colors and textures. I would just release the Blank version as the open-version, but some people may want the colored etc. So, I think I may just stick with the blank for those reasons, but just remember: This is only the first build of 8, I will have more surprises that may change your opinion in the next few updates. I hope it will be interesting to play! I plan on balancing each country separately so they all have their own little feeling to them, just like the actual default game-map. I may make more maps, but because making a work of art, than balancing it, than all that other shit takes a long time...expect one every 6 months at the max. Lol. Thanks for posting!
06.08.2012 - 02:28
Looks great, I am well versed with the elder scrolls and although it has a great plot/story, characters, and factions I never really thought about making it into a afterwind scenario. Looks great so far, keep up all the good work. If by any chance you would be willing to let me create the units and their stats (which my name would be added in the description as unit help and you could tweak the list, tell me any specifics you want, and add/not use units from it) I would be glad to make a long list for you.
08.08.2012 - 05:07
great map so far, though a little too artsy.
08.08.2012 - 10:45
Thank you! Care to explain what you mean by "Artsy"? As a quick explanation, some factors must be artsy, I had to draw much of the map, and therefore couldn't life a topographic map for usage, as they all have names on them, or just look very blurry. Plus, if I make everything myself with little usage of outside resources. I can claim Artistic rights to it so that the map becomes my property, while the idea stays Bethesda's. I'm not sure exactly how to respond, but this was my main point in choosing a Tamrielic approach, instead of one akin to Afterwind's topography, if that's what you mean. I would love to hear what you mean so I can explain or possibly change something. Thanks for reading ![]()
17.10.2012 - 01:03
Dam I thought me wanting to create an elder scrolls map would be unique =p Guess I was wrong. Besides I think you will do much better then I can. I am working on a morrowind map. Assuming perhaps one day I get this thing figured out or the bugs are fixed =p
17.10.2012 - 12:50
I do apologize about my comment to you earlier, I was under a false impression that you were wishing to compete or steal my work (I'm very paranoid). I'd love to see you make a detailed map of Morrowind! If you even need any resources, I can provide. Thank you for the compliments as well.
17.10.2012 - 13:51
Third paragraph in today's posting.
17.10.2012 - 14:45
Are you going to keep the same map size? Seems rather small, would be great if you could enlargen it.
17.10.2012 - 15:49
I could, but it would only get blurrier. I'll look into expanding it a little, but I highly doubt I'll be able to.
23.10.2012 - 14:09
Does anyone even care about me making this anymore? I honestly see no point in even trying anymore, nobody seems to notice/like my work, so I may just stop entirely.
23.10.2012 - 14:58
Good scenario, but you have to make people play it. Scenarios are not played if the creator is not promoting it. This is why bad scenarios are in the top and goods in the bottom, good scenario creators think that their games are just gonna pop up to the first page in a blink of eye, meanwhile 95% of the players are lifeless in the lobby waiting for a scenario to pop up, and they do not care about the quality until they play it over and over again.
23.10.2012 - 18:24
I've done this, and nobody seemed to want to join. I [gl] a lot, but I guess I'm not a very good promoter...lol.
26.10.2012 - 16:19
You're negative one years old. o.o Anyways, looks cool. I hope to play it some day!
27.10.2012 - 11:44
It will be released at 6:00 PM today, so then's your chance ![]()
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