14.02.2020 - 10:52
Yesterday I played a game on the map of Eurasia 15k, I was South China tube war from the beginning against North China (Argh16) and against Japan (the farmer), I made an alliance with Southeast China (BeretorBravv) and we won the 2 vs two. and then face Pakistani (perpetuum) who finished defeating India and had an alliance with all of Europe (Mauzer Panteri, Top 1, Imperial) all the players in Europe allied with Pakistan against me including the player from Africa (LarrytheLooter) who was manufacturing marines since turn 0 and sending to my lands but that didn't bother me for 40 turns leading the top 1 in sp against all of them together. Up to this point everything is fine and nothing bothers me I am used to this type of games. Then, on turn 40, the player (4nic) appears to convince the European players (Mauzer Panteri, Top 1, Imperial) to be attacked by Africa (LarrytheLooter) who was the closest player to me in sp and made farm sp with all their lands getting from 936sp to 1900sp in less than 5 shifts and they could steal my game easily. That (4nic) promotes this is something that leaves a lot to talk about since he is a player with 5 years on the rank 14 platform, who knows a lot about rules, since he has participated in many tournaments and apart from that he is part of the support of the game. Then I ask you friends, do you think this is fair? last 3 or 4 hours in a game for stupid players to do this at the end and ruin everything, that would be punishable and ask the moderators that everyone who does farm sp be justly sanctioned, it is one thing to fight for a long time and reach a friendly agreement to do the ally end and the other is to lower your pants to farm with you. whoever doubts my words can ask players like (BeretorBravv, Brutal Slayer, and hate you) these last two mentioned were not playing but if they watched and know that I am telling the truth. * In a desperate attempt to save my game I tried to do the same with my ally (BeretorBravv) but it didn't help since it was too late. ayer jugue una partida en el mapa de eurasia 15k, yo era china sur tube guerra desde el inicio contra china norte(Argh16) y contra japon(the farmer), hice alianza con china sudeste(BeretorBravv) y ganamos el 2 vs dos. para luego enfrentarme a pakistan(perpetuum) quien terminaba de derrotar india y tenia alianza con todos los de europa(Mauzer Panteri,Top 1, Imperial) todos los jugadores de europa se aliaron junto a pakistan contra mi incluyendo el jugador de africa(LarrytheLooter) quien estubo fabricando marines desde el turno 0 y mandando a mis tierras pero eso no me molesto jugue durante 40 turnos encabezando el top 1 en sp contra todos ellos juntos. hasta este punto todo esta bien y nada me molesta estoy acostumbrado a este tipo de partidas. entonces llegando el turno 40 aparece el jugador (4nic) para convencer a los jugadores de europa(Mauzer Panteri,Top 1, Imperial) que se dejaran atacar por africa(LarrytheLooter) quien era el jugador mas cercano a mi en sp y hiciera farm sp con todas sus tierras consiguiendo llegar de 936sp a 1900sp en menos de 5 turnos y pudieran robar mi partida facilmente. que (4nic) promueva esto es algo que deja mucho de que hablar ya que es un jugador con 5 años en la plataforma rango 14, que sabe mucho de reglas, ya que ha participado en muchos torneos y aparte de eso es parte del soporte del juego. entonces les pregunto amigos creen ustedes que esto es justo? dural 3 o 4 horas en un juego para que unos jugadores estupidos hagan esto al final y lo arruinen todo, eso deviera de ser sancionable y pido a los moderadores que todo el que haga farm sp sea justamente sancionado, una cosa es pelear por un largo rato y llegar a un acuerdo amigable para hacer la ally end y la otra es bajarte los pantalones para que hagan farm contigo. el que dude de mis palabras puede preguntar a jugadores como( BeretorBravv,Brutal Slayer,i hate you) estos ultimos dos mencionados no estaban jugando pero si observaban y saben que estoy diciendo la verdad. *en un intento desesperado por salvar mi partida intente hacer lo mismo con mi aliado (BeretorBravv) pero no sirvio de nada ya que era demasiado tarde.
14.02.2020 - 11:15
Please check your PMs dominicano.
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. --Les Brown
14.02.2020 - 13:43
Blah, nothing against rules. You were sending us the same game link to disconnect and etc, got karma. And now because of that i cant host drops, happy? It is war bro and you needed to make bigger alliance, i offered you peace t2 and you declined, i asked later about like t10 but you didnt reply.
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14.02.2020 - 14:05
Locked. we are looking into this case.
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. --Les Brown
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