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26.08.2019 - 06:10
I will describe to you a game of 6 hours i hope you learn something.

This night at yesterday i joined in late game a game created by Ace with a fake promotion of proto

I joined as Mexico and allied with a player whom rejoined as West us.
There was a player in California hostile and i quickly teamed with the rejoiner to beat him.

After i dominated California texas and central america.

I had an enemy in south america his weak point he was a naval commander.
His mighty ships would never enter in my capital.
With the west us i fought this one.

West us and me had a frontier conflict he wanted the North America Centre and i remained.
A chinese invasion force invaded California owned by me.

I had no possibilities againist the Chinese and i pacted peace cause us broke the allience with me to take my frontier.
The West us was alone againist China but a rejoiner in North Canada saved him.

I continied fighting the south america player but two players rejoined in South America.
One in venezuela and one in Paraguay.
They were ravaging the south american force so i used this opportunity to conquer the Caribe.
At the end of this conflict they splitted South America in two i allied Paraguay buen amigo.
The buen amigo captured the countries without forces of South America and Venezuela captured the North countries with more military.
He was very good amigo until Venezuela died and he wanted all the cake.
Venezuela had a neutral stack of 100 ships on the capital it should have killed him and seeing this i moved my forces acroos his countries to capture them when he dies.
But Paraguay was evil and wanted the cake for himself he even warred Venezuela to seize all my clay[not mine but i had tanks on it].

So i warred Paraguay he was no longer amigo.
I effectively destroyed his military his forces were low and militia.
He left and i seized all South America.

In this same turns A nazi theme player dominated Europa and asked me for a base in Puerto Rico for if the war breaks out at the start i tried to capture Puerto Rico it was the only island i did not had but my attack was fail so allowed him to capture the island.

The Nazi was warring several countries rejoiners in Africa and Turkey as his allied friend.

Turkey was not useful and in a war againist india he suicided troops the nazi referred him as italia.

There was a Chinese indian coalition dominating Oceania Asia
Th e Chinese left and all the claywas seized by India

The player dominating all this was Bodand
He started to autoproduce.
It was turn 47.

He did not want to end.

He had the most sp.

First turkey left.

Then Nazi europa player left.

Then rejoiners supported me and my american amigo againist him.

They ended leavin.

Only me and Thrall the the other player remained until turn 100.
We fought againist a player with 15k military. We lost but our plan nearly captured his cap
Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est
Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM
Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
26.08.2019 - 07:19
Haha, What a story mark

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