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Posté par Abraham, 04.08.2018 - 16:06
I noticed there's less interest in the competitive side of this game among players nowadays, what should be done to change it? Should there be an official quick tournaments that last a single day hosted by the staff every now and then? Competitive boot camps for newbies with rewards for top performers? What's your ideas to improve this part of the game that is important to the diversity of options this game has to offer?
05.08.2018 - 09:20
Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 04.08.2018 at 20:55

Adding in strategies is not so simple as theres a lot of tests needed to be done to ensure nothing is super strong/super weak as well as how it would fit in the actual game. However, more strategies would be cool, i agree.

However, changing the TB system again i wouldn't be a fan of. I think we need to stick with something we all know, whether we like it or not. Would just make things less complex to players who don't nessecarily check in on forums or keep up with news. Also the rush meta really isnt new, theres always been rushers on this game xa

I know it isn't easy but that's where the community gets involved to help balance it.

The old tb wasn't too complexed it was actually easier to predict and almost 100% of the time worked if you prioritised your moves accordingly. It can help change the rush expansion meta and add different play styles.
05.08.2018 - 09:21
Ecrit par AlBoZzZ, 05.08.2018 at 04:07

Here we go again.....
Hdrakon trying to be mod

I doubt there's even a chance but it wouldn't be a bad choice. I could be useful but I'm not sure about my activity. But anyways that's not the reason why I made this thread. I just don't want to see this part of the game dead because it's the main part of the game I'm interested in.
05.08.2018 - 09:34
Ce compte a été effacé
Ecrit par T0xicMasculinity, 05.08.2018 at 08:54

Ecrit par Permamuted, 05.08.2018 at 08:52

Ecrit par T0xicMasculinity, 05.08.2018 at 08:45

Even in WW1. The easiest scenario. 4nic france vs me Germany, I cap paris Turn 7

I rekt them everywhere man, ww2, ww1, cw, 3v3, forums, real life achievmenets, Total domination against these incels, why do u think they hate, they know they inferior

Its sad to see you desperately reaching out for friends where you can find them. Meanwhile these people all laugh at you behind your back. For a year i heard you brag about your ukraine only for you to play me and lose both times. I'm not sure how i went through hell. You t5 rushed in 1 game but i dont remember the other but both games were quick. It was pretty disappointing much like your germany.

umad u lost vs me in ww2 and 3v3, i get it, dooky digger

No, I do not like boys, get away from me.

05.08.2018 - 09:35
Ecrit par Abraham, 05.08.2018 at 09:21

I just don't want to see this part of the game dead because it's the main part of the game I'm interested in.

Frankly, it needs something different - not tournaments, prizes or whatever - just something on a gameplay level. The 3v3 10K EU+ is unappealing to even get into, it's months of learning all the expansions/playstyles/tips & tricks to even compete with players that have been playing for years. It's just not appealing to players trying to get into AW competitively. I understand all games need a skill gap, but when the same thing has been played for so many years, it's a bit extreme at this point.

A cool idea would be to give players of the "winning" coalition of the clan wars at the end of the season a little marker to indicate their "reign" which they would keep until the next season. It's similar to how players recognize mods, but instead, they would recognize skilled players via that marker.

I know those were two separate points, but overall the competitive side needs incentive and something to evolve the game.
Be Humble
05.08.2018 - 09:42
The future is in scenarios...
05.08.2018 - 10:13
Humble request for no flame wars, just my honest opinion below

I think competitive game play allows for better skill development. Even the smallest difference in skill yields big returns (not rush based). Unfortunately, this turns out to be a double edged sword. As Darkmace pointed out, you need to put in a lot of effort to get even incrementally better. After understanding the basic expansions/ game mechanics, etc, you need to start predicting opponent moves. This is comparatively a lot easier in scenarios, thanks to being channeled into certain modes/options of play. Because of this in just skill terms, the average scenario player is never going to be as good as the average competitive player.

Perhaps one way to increase interest would be tiered tournaments like we find in other games. Like a gold/silver/bronze league and people play/practice against their own skill level (not in-game level) before progressing up the tiers. idk how feasible this would be from a development standpoint. But I would guess player activity/interest would improve significantly if people could actually measure themselves up and see what progress they were making. ik, we already have elo in place, but personally never seemed interesting enough a concept to me. Don't know how other people who don't do comp view it.
05.08.2018 - 10:18
Ecrit par Dr. Trsid, 05.08.2018 at 10:13

Humble request for no flame wars, just my honest opinion below

I think competitive game play allows for better skill development. Even the smallest difference in skill yields big returns (not rush based). Unfortunately, this turns out to be a double edged sword. As Darkmace pointed out, you need to put in a lot of effort to get even incrementally better. After understanding the basic expansions/ game mechanics, etc, you need to start predicting opponent moves. This is comparatively a lot easier in scenarios, thanks to being channeled into certain modes/options of play. Because of this in just skill terms, the average scenario player is never going to be as good as the average competitive player.

Perhaps one way to increase interest would be tiered tournaments like we find in other games. Like a gold/silver/bronze league and people play/practice against their own skill level (not in-game level) before progressing up the tiers. idk how feasible this would be from a development standpoint. But I would guess player activity/interest would improve significantly if people could actually measure themselves up and see what progress they were making. ik, we already have elo in place, but personally never seemed interesting enough a concept to me. Don't know how other people who don't do comp view it.

Nice idea.Also for me elo thing has 0 meaning idk i dont fill it tells anything.I think team game/clans are the way to give new players a reason to become competative.
05.08.2018 - 10:20
Ecrit par Darkmace, 05.08.2018 at 09:35

Frankly, it needs something different - not tournaments, prizes or whatever - just something on a gameplay level. The 3v3 10K EU+ is unappealing to even get into, it's months of learning all the expansions/playstyles/tips & tricks to even compete with players that have been playing for years. It's just not appealing to players trying to get into AW competitively. I understand all games need a skill gap, but when the same thing has been played for so many years, it's a bit extreme at this point.

A cool idea would be to give players of the "winning" coalition of the clan wars at the end of the season a little marker to indicate their "reign" which they would keep until the next season. It's similar to how players recognize mods, but instead, they would recognize skilled players via that marker.

I know those were two separate points, but overall the competitive side needs incentive and some sort of evolution.

Yeah I know. I'm talking about the general competitive games btw like for example Europe 5k and alikes not only about Europe+ 3vs3.

Interesting idea.
05.08.2018 - 10:22
Ecrit par Dr. Trsid, 05.08.2018 at 10:13

Humble request for no flame wars, just my honest opinion below

I think competitive game play allows for better skill development. Even the smallest difference in skill yields big returns (not rush based). Unfortunately, this turns out to be a double edged sword. As Darkmace pointed out, you need to put in a lot of effort to get even incrementally better. After understanding the basic expansions/ game mechanics, etc, you need to start predicting opponent moves. This is comparatively a lot easier in scenarios, thanks to being channeled into certain modes/options of play. Because of this in just skill terms, the average scenario player is never going to be as good as the average competitive player.

Perhaps one way to increase interest would be tiered tournaments like we find in other games. Like a gold/silver/bronze league and people play/practice against their own skill level (not in-game level) before progressing up the tiers. idk how feasible this would be from a development standpoint. But I would guess player activity/interest would improve significantly if people could actually measure themselves up and see what progress they were making. ik, we already have elo in place, but personally never seemed interesting enough a concept to me. Don't know how other people who don't do comp view it.

Good idea though for that we'll need plenty of newbies. It can work with the competitive boot camp idea.
05.08.2018 - 11:13
Competitive aw has become associated with eu+ 3v3s but this doesn't have to be the case. If scenario cws were enabled and an interesting map with a diverse meta became popular i can guarantee you players would flock to it. Ww2 was a great example of this. But it wouldnt have worked in the cw scene due to its size. Even over the past 5 years theres been 2/3 20 players cws. We need more high quality scenarios at a smaller scale. Scens that you can expect to average an hour and have <10 players. Ww1 has some potential but again its a big time commitment.

And yes there should be more incentives to play competitively. Competition is what will give this game longevity. Our current admin has expressed the wish that all competitive players leave this game. I hope he is wiser now and looks to other games as examples to see what has kept them going.
05.08.2018 - 14:43
Ecrit par Abraham, 05.08.2018 at 09:20

Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 04.08.2018 at 20:55

Adding in strategies is not so simple as theres a lot of tests needed to be done to ensure nothing is super strong/super weak as well as how it would fit in the actual game. However, more strategies would be cool, i agree.

However, changing the TB system again i wouldn't be a fan of. I think we need to stick with something we all know, whether we like it or not. Would just make things less complex to players who don't nessecarily check in on forums or keep up with news. Also the rush meta really isnt new, theres always been rushers on this game xa

I know it isn't easy but that's where the community gets involved to help balance it.

The old tb wasn't too complexed it was actually easier to predict and almost 100% of the time worked if you prioritised your moves accordingly. It can help change the rush expansion meta and add different play styles.

yea im not denying that the old TB system was easier, i completely agree, i just think that sticking with one system is better for consistency

05.08.2018 - 14:47
Ecrit par boywind2, 04.08.2018 at 21:31

Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 04.08.2018 at 20:55

Ecrit par Player 999, 04.08.2018 at 20:12

Community's not bad, we just need to make it so that more low ranks (especially rank 5s) are encouraged to join main room and keep ranking up. Our beginning room also seems pretty empty and we need more of a marketing push. But yes, we could also perhaps have daily tournaments, that sounds like a good idea as well tbh

i agree

Ecrit par Abraham, 04.08.2018 at 16:27

Ecrit par boywind2, 04.08.2018 at 16:23

Its boring when the game is now just repetitive rush expansion meta bull shit. i want new strats and this retarded rush meta gone

I agree with you. New strats can definitely spice things up. Maybe if we bring back the old tb system rush expansion won't be as effective as much as it's now.

Adding in strategies is not so simple as theres a lot of tests needed to be done to ensure nothing is super strong/super weak as well as how it would fit in the actual game. However, more strategies would be cool, i agree.

However, changing the TB system again i wouldn't be a fan of. I think we need to stick with something we all know, whether we like it or not. Would just make things less complex to players who don't nessecarily check in on forums or keep up with news. Also the rush meta really isnt new, theres always been rushers on this game xa

u haven't been active in months until recently. there are so many more expansion rushers with ds and lb.

most people who rush expansions rush because they think they have a higher chance that they would win if you rush them and kill their stack. usually this doesn't work too well with other strats, but strats like lb and ds enable this retarded bull shit to another level. you could be a super noob and still play ds, lucky rush and kill gen stack and rape ankara.

in east games, i fucking hate players who have egos up their ass and can't admit that rushing expansions takes no fucking skill.

i play at minimum 5 games a week no matter how inactive i am. and despite school i still log in once-twice a week, im very well aware of what goes on.

ill repeat: LB and DS are not hard to beat, you just gotta know how to handle the pressure. A simple stacked expansion (which you can still expand with if the other player doesnt rush) is always the cure to a noob rusher. I agree rushing takes 0 skill. But trying to over play and get greedy expansions is why the rush meta came about. It's the perfect backlash to greedy play. Its only a matter of time before everyone begins to adapt, and itll die out.

05.08.2018 - 15:03
People view WW1 as the only staple for scenario players when half the community hate it anyway... Check out other high quality Aetius/Pyrrhus maps, eg: ROR series, LOTR etc
05.08.2018 - 15:25
Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 05.08.2018 at 14:47

Ecrit par boywind2, 04.08.2018 at 21:31

Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 04.08.2018 at 20:55

Ecrit par Player 999, 04.08.2018 at 20:12

Community's not bad, we just need to make it so that more low ranks (especially rank 5s) are encouraged to join main room and keep ranking up. Our beginning room also seems pretty empty and we need more of a marketing push. But yes, we could also perhaps have daily tournaments, that sounds like a good idea as well tbh

i agree

Ecrit par Abraham, 04.08.2018 at 16:27

Ecrit par boywind2, 04.08.2018 at 16:23

Its boring when the game is now just repetitive rush expansion meta bull shit. i want new strats and this retarded rush meta gone

I agree with you. New strats can definitely spice things up. Maybe if we bring back the old tb system rush expansion won't be as effective as much as it's now.

Adding in strategies is not so simple as theres a lot of tests needed to be done to ensure nothing is super strong/super weak as well as how it would fit in the actual game. However, more strategies would be cool, i agree.

However, changing the TB system again i wouldn't be a fan of. I think we need to stick with something we all know, whether we like it or not. Would just make things less complex to players who don't nessecarily check in on forums or keep up with news. Also the rush meta really isnt new, theres always been rushers on this game xa

u haven't been active in months until recently. there are so many more expansion rushers with ds and lb.

most people who rush expansions rush because they think they have a higher chance that they would win if you rush them and kill their stack. usually this doesn't work too well with other strats, but strats like lb and ds enable this retarded bull shit to another level. you could be a super noob and still play ds, lucky rush and kill gen stack and rape ankara.

in east games, i fucking hate players who have egos up their ass and can't admit that rushing expansions takes no fucking skill.

i play at minimum 5 games a week no matter how inactive i am. and despite school i still log in once-twice a week, im very well aware of what goes on.

ill repeat: LB and DS are not hard to beat, you just gotta know how to handle the pressure. A simple stacked expansion (which you can still expand with if the other player doesnt rush) is always the cure to a noob rusher. I agree rushing takes 0 skill. But trying to over play and get greedy expansions is why the rush meta came about. It's the perfect backlash to greedy play. Its only a matter of time before everyone begins to adapt, and itll die out.

i'm talking about duels, not 3v3. if turk wants to stack balkans it needs to stack between greece, romania, serbian and bulgaria. in duels, ukr gets enough reinf to stack wipe one of them if they go for one or two of these countries. play against somone's ds 10 times in a duel, u as turkey and people who are familiar with ds like nic or huark as ukr then say its not hard to beat.
05.08.2018 - 15:44
Ecrit par 4nic, 05.08.2018 at 05:39

he really is...a while ago i let him use my account to play a ww2 cause i had no time.

the autist went on insulting everyone in the game left the moment i went offline and muted banlisted everyone he saw over 1k ppl were on my lists, who does that lol

Spread more lies you filthy bulgarian, i trolled you by ignoring everyone in game lobby, big deal. No need to embelish it with this fabrication that i insulted everyone, i only insulted unleashed which was talking shit to me anyway.
05.08.2018 - 16:15
Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 05.08.2018 at 14:47

i play at minimum 5 games a week no matter how inactive i am. and despite school i still log in once-twice a week, im very well aware of what goes on.

ill repeat: LB and DS are not hard to beat, you just gotta know how to handle the pressure. A simple stacked expansion (which you can still expand with if the other player doesnt rush) is always the cure to a noob rusher. I agree rushing takes 0 skill. But trying to over play and get greedy expansions is why the rush meta came about. It's the perfect backlash to greedy play. Its only a matter of time before everyone begins to adapt, and itll die out.

No it wont. Lb and ds are powerful expansion contesters. That's why its the meta. It is not 2k14, passively overexpanding with pd is rarely good anymore. If you still play like that enjoy your 1200-1300 elo.

Also can i just say, there is nothing more annoying than reading someone say any variation of "it's beatable guys". It's not op its beatable. It's the most redunandant trite overused cliche you can possibly use in a thread discussing the meta. Which incidentally this is not.
05.08.2018 - 16:52
Ecrit par Permamuted, 05.08.2018 at 11:13

Competitive aw has become associated with eu+ 3v3s but this doesn't have to be the case. If scenario cws were enabled and an interesting map with a diverse meta became popular i can guarantee you players would flock to it. Ww2 was a great example of this. But it wouldnt have worked in the cw scene due to its size. Even over the past 5 years theres been 2/3 20 players cws. We need more high quality scenarios at a smaller scale. Scens that you can expect to average an hour and have <10 players. Ww1 has some potential but again its a big time commitment.

And yes there should be more incentives to play competitively. Competition is what will give this game longevity. Our current admin has expressed the wish that all competitive players leave this game. I hope he is wiser now and looks to other games as examples to see what has kept them going.

LoR 9 and Fourth Age are two examples of maps where you can come up with diverse and innovative strategies, though the latter does have a few issues. Tik-Tok's Ultimate Napoleon and Ultimate WW2 Focus are good too however their maker is inactive so balance adjustments can't be made if an OP meta is discovered.
Someone Better Than You
05.08.2018 - 19:43
Ecrit par Permamuted, 05.08.2018 at 16:15

Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 05.08.2018 at 14:47

i play at minimum 5 games a week no matter how inactive i am. and despite school i still log in once-twice a week, im very well aware of what goes on.

ill repeat: LB and DS are not hard to beat, you just gotta know how to handle the pressure. A simple stacked expansion (which you can still expand with if the other player doesnt rush) is always the cure to a noob rusher. I agree rushing takes 0 skill. But trying to over play and get greedy expansions is why the rush meta came about. It's the perfect backlash to greedy play. Its only a matter of time before everyone begins to adapt, and itll die out.

No it wont. Lb and ds are powerful expansion contesters. That's why its the meta. It is not 2k14, passively overexpanding with pd is rarely good anymore. If you still play like that enjoy your 1200-1300 elo.

Also can i just say, there is nothing more annoying than reading someone say any variation of "it's beatable guys". It's not op its beatable. It's the most redunandant trite overused cliche you can possibly use in a thread discussing the meta. Which incidentally this is not.

-digs through thesaurus for new word-

05.08.2018 - 19:49
Ecrit par lsilorien, 05.08.2018 at 15:03

People view WW1 as the only staple for scenario players when half the community hate it anyway... Check out other high quality Aetius/Pyrrhus maps, eg: ROR series, LOTR etc

There's a world beyond Aetius-Pyrrhus maps

This is the moment where I wished I wasn't afraid of the map editor breaking my maps and drop my 3 finished scens
05.08.2018 - 20:53
Lies aetius is life! aetius is love!
05.08.2018 - 23:41
Ecrit par Evic, 05.08.2018 at 15:44

Ecrit par 4nic, 05.08.2018 at 05:39

he really is...a while ago i let him use my account to play a ww2 cause i had no time.

the autist went on insulting everyone in the game left the moment i went offline and muted banlisted everyone he saw over 1k ppl were on my lists, who does that lol

Spread more lies you filthy bulgarian, i trolled you by ignoring everyone in game lobby, big deal. No need to embelish it with this fabrication that i insulted everyone, i only insulted unleashed which was talking shit to me anyway.

you had insulted lao, your own team and spectators in that game, ignored all clan then went out of the game and started muting people for over 2 hours before you got bored and called it a day. if it were a harmless prank you wouldve muted 10-20 ppl max. fucking degenerate.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

06.08.2018 - 11:55
Ce compte a été effacé
Ecrit par Permamuted, 05.08.2018 at 16:15

Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 05.08.2018 at 14:47

i play at minimum 5 games a week no matter how inactive i am. and despite school i still log in once-twice a week, im very well aware of what goes on.

ill repeat: LB and DS are not hard to beat, you just gotta know how to handle the pressure. A simple stacked expansion (which you can still expand with if the other player doesnt rush) is always the cure to a noob rusher. I agree rushing takes 0 skill. But trying to over play and get greedy expansions is why the rush meta came about. It's the perfect backlash to greedy play. Its only a matter of time before everyone begins to adapt, and itll die out.

No it wont. Lb and ds are powerful expansion contesters. That's why its the meta. It is not 2k14, passively overexpanding with pd is rarely good anymore. If you still play like that enjoy your 1200-1300 elo.

Also can i just say, there is nothing more annoying than reading someone say any variation of "it's beatable guys". It's not op its beatable. It's the most redunandant trite overused cliche you can possibly use in a thread discussing the meta. Which incidentally this is not.

I think Lao should be mod instead of SOS, cuz on this case he's a 100% right, this argument "it's beatable, then it's not op " is irrelevant. Ofc it's beatable, that's not the point.

Make lao mod, demote sos ; who agree ?

(sos don't ban me or delete this, it's a joke)
07.08.2018 - 06:28
I thought sultan was the one saying ds and lb were op early?
07.08.2018 - 08:28
Ww2 killed cw

07.08.2018 - 22:41
Ecrit par Guest, 06.08.2018 at 11:55

Ecrit par Permamuted, 05.08.2018 at 16:15

Ecrit par Sultan of Swing, 05.08.2018 at 14:47

i play at minimum 5 games a week no matter how inactive i am. and despite school i still log in once-twice a week, im very well aware of what goes on.

ill repeat: LB and DS are not hard to beat, you just gotta know how to handle the pressure. A simple stacked expansion (which you can still expand with if the other player doesnt rush) is always the cure to a noob rusher. I agree rushing takes 0 skill. But trying to over play and get greedy expansions is why the rush meta came about. It's the perfect backlash to greedy play. Its only a matter of time before everyone begins to adapt, and itll die out.

No it wont. Lb and ds are powerful expansion contesters. That's why its the meta. It is not 2k14, passively overexpanding with pd is rarely good anymore. If you still play like that enjoy your 1200-1300 elo.

Also can i just say, there is nothing more annoying than reading someone say any variation of "it's beatable guys". It's not op its beatable. It's the most redunandant trite overused cliche you can possibly use in a thread discussing the meta. Which incidentally this is not.

I think Lao should be mod instead of SOS, cuz on this case he's a 100% right, this argument "it's beatable, then it's not op " is irrelevant. Ofc it's beatable, that's not the point.

Make lao mod, demote sos ; who agree ?


07.08.2018 - 22:43
Ecrit par Xenosapien, 07.08.2018 at 06:28

I thought sultan was the one saying ds and lb were op early?

yea i did earlier, but that was "earlier." more i played versus the new strats i came to a different conclusion

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