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Messages: 3   Visité par: 105 users
01.11.2021 - 10:13
Quick games can sometimes be a hassle, especially if you have dinner, or school, or an appointment mid-game, and the game lasts longer than you expected. Sometimes, if you leave, that ruins the game for everybody else. Casual games also suck because I can never remember to check and they are boring

What if... instead of (illegally?) letting someone ghost your account (or not wanting to give access for liability), there was a platform (similar to the news interface) that you could advertise to others [account 9942 is open for playing], and someone who is not already in a game (or preferably someone on your team) could take over your account for that specific game, temporarily, without getting your password, and without having access to your profile. Only having access your side of the game. This is a pretty rough sketch but it is a good idea

If any outside player could access your account, then that would be a total game-changer. I cannot understate how much this would fundamentally change atwar. It would add the feature to "play on a rolling-basis", it would remove the need for waiting in lobby, and let players take over each other one after the other, none of whom have to play the entire game. Perhaps, also, the player who takes over would be distributed part of the SP that would otherwise all go to the original account. And perhaps the original player could select who he wants taking over his account, and make the selection private or use criteria like only rank 10+ can take over the account for this game, and perhaps he could control whether or not the new player is allowed to abandon the game or not

I am confident that this is the shiny new thing that will officially distinguish atwar from its past... and bring it to glory, until we do that semi-3d google maps-esque clash of clans thing I was thinking of a couple years ago
Happiness = reality - expectations
01.11.2021 - 12:40
Crucial update here, would massively decrease the problems we have with filling games and allow for far more games to be completed without failure.
01.11.2021 - 14:16
Maybe something extra would be that whenever someone takes over, it appears on the start of the turn of events which player took over which faction.

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