08.09.2021 - 15:34
As we all know, the current system of upgrades creates a significant advantage for veterans/ experts over newer players. What new player is going to be attracted to a game where not only is he a noob, but he is also seriously outclassed tactically and even, sorry to say, has to absorb the brunt of toxicity from experienced players who, quite understandably, desire a competitive game with no leavers? To somewhat mitigate this intrinsic dilemma, we need a new system regarding upgrades that evens the playing field while not taking away all the hard work done by those who have stuck with the program. I propose that upgrades are unlocked with SP but can only be used by paying cash (not real cash but the cash that is used to purchase units and buildings) in-game. To use an upgrade, one can select from among the upgrades he has unlocked and use cash to get the upgrade. Each upgrade might have a cost of 1000 cash. This would give newer players a better chance while also adding interesting upgrade combinations for the various given circumstances that arise in-game.
---- "Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more. Behold the sword of Elendil." -Lord Aragorn, High King of Arnor and Gondor
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