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16.10.2012 - 17:58

Hey Guys,
since the day I've been into Afterwind, it was my greatest wish to start a franchise between Afterwind and the C&C Universe.
For those of you, who doesn't know what I'm talking about, here is a short overview about the topic (taken by Wikipedia):


Command & Conquer is set in the late 1990s after a meteorite crash lands near the river Tiber in Italy. The impact introduces an alien substance to the world dubbed Tiberium, which becomes of unprecedented value due to its unique property of leeching precious metals from the surrounding soil and crystallizing them.However, the process also causes emission of extremely toxic gases.

An ancient and quasi-religious secret society, known as the Brotherhood of Nod, proves to somehow have foreseen the potentials of this new substance, and reveals itself to have been investing in the development of technology to harvest the Tiberium crystals ahead of the established scientific communities.They soon control almost half of the known supply of what has become the most valuable commodity on the global trade markets, and use these assets to sustain a rapidly growing army of followers worldwide under the leadership of a charismatic and self-proclaimed messianic figure, who is known only as Kane.

Following a series of relentless international bombings which culminate in the destruction of the fictional Grain Trade Center in Vienna, a wave of mass panic and fear begins to sweep the globe.These acts are ultimately attributed to Brotherhood of Nod terrorists and their leader, Kane. The United Nations Security Council realizes Nod has systematically begun with the unfolding of a centuries-old plan for world domination, and sanctions the G7-based Global Defense Initiative task force to intervene on its behalf, inadvertently setting a conflict in motion that will escalate into a modern world war.


The third Game (Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars), begins roughly sixteen to seventeen years after the events of Tiberian Sun: Firestorm. While the conflict between the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod appears to have subsided substantially ever since, Tiberium infestation has begun to reach critical levels and continues to destroy the Earth's ecosystems at an alarming rate, prompting GDI to divide the world into three different geographical zones based on the levels of local infestation. 30% of the world's surface has been designated as "Red Zones", which have suffered the worst contamination and can no longer support human or otherwise carbon-based life. 50% of the regions in the world have been designated as "Yellow Zones", which are dangerously contaminated yet contain most of the world's population. Decades of war and civil unrest have left these regions in a state of social collapse and have continued to provide the Brotherhood of Nod with opportunity for concealment as well as large-scale recruitment over the years. The remaining 20% of the Earth's surface is unscarred by Tiberium outbreak and is relatively untouched by war. These "Blue Zones" are considered the last refuge and hope of the human civilized world and have been placed under the direct protection of the Global Defense Initiative.

- As you can read, in the C&C Universe, Earth isn't anymore this really nice planet as we know it.
- But therefore it fits perfect to Afterwind.

- But as you know, this is a lots of work. First i need a new map and modify its graphics (already started)
- Next thing are borders and cities of countries - or what leftover.
I hope, for you and me, i could catch some end time atmosphere, of the game series.
- At last, populations, incomes, units + unit-sounds/pictures have to be done.

But some of you maybe say: ok, new units, cities and so on. But what is the difference between AW and this scenario?
-> The answer: In AW we have good and bad continents, if you have North America, Europe or Asia(China&India) or them all together, you probably will win.
On the other hand, Africa, Australia and South America just lead a miserable existence.
In this scenario there is no "superpower" anymore. And each country has a pro and a con.

Blue Zones: a big population but not so much income
Yellow Zones: a small-medium population and a good income
Red Zones: nearly no population, but a high income.

-> With this settings more tactical decisions will appear:
- If i want to destroy my enemy's economic, i don't have to attack his "Blue Zone"-Strongholds. - its much easier to attack his light guarded Red- or Yellow- Zones, and crash his finances.
With more Players and 3 different Teams (WITH DIFFERENT UNITS!) it will be (i wish) a great run for the Zones.
- Teams with different Units you say?! -> YES you heard right!
In C&C there will be 3 "Parties":

- The G.D.I.: with strong allrounder Units.
- The Brotherhood of Nod: cheap light Units mixed with expensive high-tech toys. (for example a stealth-tank)
- The Scrin: An Alienbreed with an incredible Airforce and many light and medium units.

I hope Amok & Ivan will give us the option to separate Units by Teams, in the next months.
21.10.2012 - 16:29
Good Work, finally some Sci-Fi scenario with high quality.
21.10.2012 - 20:44
I fucking love C&C Tiberium Wars. A suggestion would be to add cities along the contamination and make them high value cities that have a lot of income and all of the other cities either normal or lower income.
Just do it.™ -Nike
25.10.2012 - 20:59
Green Lines, Green lines everywhere!
30.10.2013 - 05:47

coming December 2013
30.10.2013 - 08:03
Map looks pretty cool.
30.10.2013 - 11:35
Ce compte a été effacé
I don't like the map. Lack of creativity .
30.10.2013 - 12:59
Ecrit par Guest, 30.10.2013 at 11:54

[C&C] Tiberium Wars name is already taken.

i can't find another c&c map. Otherwise this thread is over 1 year old - i was the first - btw at atwar are so many ww2 maps so it's not a shame if we have 2 c&c scenarios
30.10.2013 - 17:47
Ecrit par LEGION, 30.10.2013 at 12:59

Ecrit par Guest, 30.10.2013 at 11:54

[C&C] Tiberium Wars name is already taken.

i can't find another c&c map. Otherwise this thread is over 1 year old - i was the first - btw at atwar are so many ww2 maps so it's not a shame if we have 2 c&c scenarios

But the only decent ww2 map is ultimate ww2 by tiktok.

the other maps are crappy and unbalanced.
30.10.2013 - 19:06
Ecrit par Guest, 30.10.2013 at 18:18

Stay on topic :no-good:

And You made a forum post about it 1 month before Titos tiberium map was released I wouldn't call you the first though since.. you don't have anything released... Look forward to seeing what you will do.

I will not disapoint you . My goal is to present you a whole new game based at the atwar battle mechanics. After all, i try to catch all of the atmosphere of c&c.

i keep you up to date, good night guys
and thanks for support

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