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Posté par Mr_Own_U, 19.12.2014 - 21:10
Title.. Who made you as the player you are today? Was it a high rank, yourself? This is an interesting topic that Id like to know how some players before my time got started such as deviL, Acqui, Bonker, Spart, Goblin..

My answer to this is, Spart and I were in a 3v3, I was a rank 3, I picked Volga, and for some reason he invited me to Syndicate. Being in Syndicate Spart and Paolo taught me the basics, and the rest was history.
21.12.2014 - 13:00
21.12.2014 - 13:25
This is like the 3rd time I've seen a topic like this but, playing with Eagles8539 definitely put me on the right track.
22.12.2014 - 06:41
Learster!!! Bow to your MoS god!!

23.12.2014 - 16:36
Almost a year ago, I joined Inglorious Basterds. There, I met Grimm who told me some basics. I also met Trinig (Silent One) which invited me to join him and form a new clan SoM. Then, the training began. I couldn't play a game without having real-time and post-game comments and we we're training all the time. AS, Mac and Bes helped me a lot too.
Thanks guys!
23.12.2014 - 17:00
I remember joining a Greek coalition i think it was hellenic .. Later I join Spart clan, I leearned zero thing and never cw there. I join Hydrakon's coalition some rank 7 dude. Then i left because i wanted to become better so I went to evoL ,I play my first cw in the clan, but Mou demoted me , becuase he was evil . I leearn something about blitzkrieg and bomber+transport combo thingy . then i came to killa instinct
23.12.2014 - 18:03
Ecrit par Htin, 23.12.2014 at 17:00

I remember joining a Greek coalition i think it was hellenic .. Later I join Spart clan, I leearned zero thing and never cw there. I join Hydrakon's coalition some rank 7 dude. Then i left because i wanted to become better so I went to evoL ,I play my first cw in the clan, but Mou demoted me , becuase he was evil . I leearn something about blitzkrieg and bomber+transport combo thingy . then i came to killa instinct

Shame on mou

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