27.09.2014 - 23:12
I was making some experiments for my post, then I end turn and notice this: ![]() Some countries grow more that other in a indiscriminate way, I mean, without any orden. Some of them also decrease income. I've elaborated some theory: 1) The income grow depending of the number of cities. This is wrong, as Senegal (101%, 43 income) growed less that Cape verde (104%, 23 income). Both countries have 1 city. 2) The income grow from bottom to top, or from top to bottom. Again, wrong. Is curious how some countries like Ethiopia (102%, 70 income) and Somalia (102%, 32 income) growed more than the unit's that are in the middle of theses two. 3) The game round down the numbers it display, but work with the numbers that it doesnt. This one seems the best explaination, but it cannot explain how the income decreased for some countries. 4) Display bug. As a Sidenote, all countries adove rwanda growed from 100% to 104%. South africa, the highest economy, growed up to 102%.
28.09.2014 - 22:31 ![]() Are you sure that the ones that have 99% didn't grow? Weren't they affected when you took them and actually grew from, lets say, 92% to 99%? Same with the others. Did they all start with 100%? Did they all start as being owned by you or did you have to take any of these?
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29.09.2014 - 12:22
This is turn 2. I don't know what experiment you're running, but you owned these countries from 1st turn. Also, I don't know what point you are trying to make. Are you trying to find out what countries grow before others, and what the basis is for them growing faster/larger than others? I think it's a set thing, that some countries just happen to grow higher. It seems to me, so far, lower income countries appear to grow faster. Beyond that, I don't see the relevance in questioning this. In a game where you actually take these countries, their income growth is completely stunted, shifting into income shrinkage.
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
29.09.2014 - 13:32
I would think display bug, whatever it is its an extremely minor detail looking at those percentages. also it might be a case of different collateral damages when you capped them.
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30.09.2014 - 05:58
I am inclined to agree that it's a rounding error. I ran several tests of my own, and was able to replicate your problem. Now, I'm not a programmer, and couldn't look at the log or anything, but here's what happened: 1. The income of all cities rose by 2% per turn (100% ->102% ->104%, and so on) consistently. No problem there. 2. The income as shown in the countries menu agreed with the figures given in the city menu about half the time. 3. However, in the other half, it didn't, and showed a number that didn't match with what the cities menu showed (e.g. Warsaw 106%, Krakow 106%, Gdansk 106%, but Poland 105%) 4. But since the numbers were never wrong by more than a couple of percent, I don't anticipate any problems. So yeah. I think it's a rounding problem, but it could be that I'm missing some aspect of the game. I did my tests with Germany, Poland, and Russia: Central for 6 turns each, so I may also be missing something that only applies outside of this region, or later in the game.
02.10.2014 - 09:51
Yeah, all them started with 100%. As Sasori said, I owned theses countries from turn 1.
I am trying to find out why some countries that was in 100% actually decreased their income to 99%.
Yeah that could be the way to solve the question, but think about this: The income grows to 102%, but the game display 99% insteat of 100% or 101%.
03.10.2014 - 06:50
I am the most confused. :/
I am now even more confused. :/ Honestly, I haven't a clue. Maybe I'll run more tests when I'm less tired.
Black Shark Ce compte a été effacé |
04.10.2014 - 01:11 Black Shark Ce compte a été effacé
Why the hell do you have 50k?
13.10.2014 - 04:29
Indeeed... if you pick all these countries you shouldn't have 50k. So this must be scenario, which is different than normal game with income etc.
24.10.2014 - 00:27
yes many times i watch regions have -28515192651205 population its an error in the window itself, i think the city is fine though
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