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Messages: 7   Visité par: 72 users
21.10.2018 - 21:39
I have been doing all the research and checking my facts. And our income problem is very simple. Europe, the United States and much of the first world regions are severely underestimated. For example India has a GDP of 2.597 Trillion on the map it makes 1,030. While Japan has a GDP of 4.872 Trillion yet makes just 847. The US state of California has a GDP of 2.448 Trillion which is in the USA: Pacific region. Has just under the GDP of India, sports an income of less than 2/3s that of India. The entire USA: Pacific region has a GDP of 3.1 Trillion larger than India's.If the map's income was scaled off of India's income, then Germany should make 1550. The US Atlantic should have an income of 1300. This isn't just India, it's Russia and china too. All of Russia makes 2500. That is nearly 5 times the amount of Germany yet in reality Germany has a GDP two times the size of Russia's. Meaning it is skewed at a ratio of 10:1as America 50% larger than China's, yet all of China has an income of 2900 while the US has an income of 4000. If you factor in India, all of China should make 5000+ while America should make nearly 8000. Last thing, cities are way off as well, Chicago has a GDP of 524 billion and makes 153 while Shanghai has a GDP of 516 Billion( less than Chicago yet has an income of 463 more than triple Chicago's. This income is clearly skewed especially against the United States, and especially towards India and Russia. Whether done intentionally or unintentionally it needs to be fixed.
22.10.2018 - 01:43
I believe it was in intentionally, with the sole purpose of trying to make the game more 'balanced and fair'. If we took into consideration real life GDP and resources then the game would be incredibly unbalanced.

It would be pretty unfair if someone could pick china/USA because that means they would win every time, and thats not fun.
22.10.2018 - 07:18
Yes balancing does have its purpose and does work very well but, I don't think it would be boring. I just think some economies should be lowered or raised, Russia and India need to be lowered or America and Europe need to be raised. I didn't put this is there but South Korea gets screwed over the most they have a GDP 50% larger than turkeys but make much much less. I think balancing does work to an extent, but we have extended it far too wide.
23.10.2018 - 15:41
Make your own map thats so accurate m8 before you dis the world map
23.10.2018 - 17:14
A: no one would play it. B: I don't have premium
07.04.2019 - 20:18
Ghart historical accuracy takes a back seat to game play, meta, and balance. Our world is unbalanced, if the game reflected the world start conditions would be so astronomical in particular regions anyone picking outside of there would get destroyed.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
12.04.2019 - 18:44
 brianwl (Admin)
Ecrit par floss123, 23.10.2018 at 17:14

A: no one would play it. B: I don't have premium

Not to pile on, the game used real GDP figures in the beginning. As stated, this created imbalances so incomes were adjusted to make the world default map more playable. You are not the first to suggest an update, and the offer has been made that any players wanting to update a world map with current GDP values are free to do so, and AW will consider implementing it.

However, as would be map-makers begin to tackle this task, they realize fairly quickly that, as you pointed out already, few people would want to play an imbalanced map, so an updated GDP accurate map has yet to be created. ♥


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