Ecrit par Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:52
You're blaming him for last game? He was dead last game lol. How is you losing concessions going to give him more power?
Also Aqollo saying 'secret enigmatic faction' really made my day XAXAXAXA You guys get all paranoid about how gow and I want to take over Rome all by ourselves. Idk how 2 guys will take over the Republic, but I'll take it as a compliment 
I mean, we're outnumbered and outvoted, but somehow we're a 2 man conspiracy to do a coup.
Look at this man's lies stream straight from his lips.
He claims to be a 2 man team but tirpitz is also partnered with them.
He later claims that gow was assassinated turn 3 but it was turn 4.
Stop twisting the truth, people are getting sick of your shit. The fact that you people are the only ones who needed bodyguards last game really says something about your reputation.
No one is calling Tirp out you guys are concentrating on me and gow.
Semantics. I made a mistake by one turn. BIG lie!
I never twisted the truth. You guys were talking about gow, and then me. Tirp was never in the middle not even in last game...And I bought a bodyguard after gow got assassinated....wonder why? Was it because I knew a couple of paranoid people were gonna be coming after me next? Guess what? I was right.
Ecrit par Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:54
How??! He didn't get voted into power, and he was assassinated turn 3, came back turn 6 and game ended turn 7....
He was killed turn 4 and never came back. Stop twisting the truth.
He did on the same turn Rome died then. I made a mistake with 1 turn. Don't act like it's a big lie
Ecrit par Darth., 24.08.2016 at 14:13
Gow, it's you and me versus the whole of Rome....we attack at dawn

seems only like one small faction tbh not all of rome
Ecrit par Darth., 24.08.2016 at 14:13
Gow, it's you and me versus the whole of Rome....we attack at dawn

seems only like one small faction tbh not all of rome 
Hmm you say one small faction, while they say whole of Rome. Either you're wrong (doubtful since only 2 people are saying this: Aqollo and Phoenix), or they're arrogant enough to believe they speak for the whole of Rome...
Phoenix you criticize gow for donating just 1 Talent, and yet you yourself haven't donated anything. Sure you're pointing fingers at gow saying 'he did it so I can' (I'm paraphrasing here) but he donated 1 coin, you donated zero. 1>0
You don't have the right to criticize anyone for inadequate donations if you yourself aren't donating. Criticizing the Consuls and gow for not being worthy enough to get you to donate to Rome...seems more like a convenient excuse. Perhaps you should donate some talents before telling people to donate. You know, Practice what you preach?
Aqollo idk why you dislike me but whatever. You have nothing to accuse me of, so you act like I've committed some massive lie by messing up when exactly gow got assassinated.
Ecrit par Darth., 24.08.2016 at 14:36
Aqollo idk why you dislike me but whatever. You have nothing to accuse me of, so you act like I've committed some massive lie by messing up when exactly gow got assassinated.
There you go again leaving things out when it's unconvenient for you. Must be a habit for people like you.
You forgot to mention the part where you lied about being a two man team with gow when tirpitz is also with tou.
Ecrit par Darth., 24.08.2016 at 14:36
Aqollo idk why you dislike me but whatever. You have nothing to accuse me of, so you act like I've committed some massive lie by messing up when exactly gow got assassinated.
There you go again leaving things out when it's unconvenient for you. Must be a habit for people like you.
You forgot to mention the part where you lied about being a two man team with gow when tirpitz is also with tou.
Lol nice changing the subject, but I'll clarify this and indulge you. You guys are targeting only me and gow. You guys are acting like me and gow are the two man team while ignoring Tirp while all we're trying to do it have fun and enjoy a fucking game. But at your convenience suddenly we're 3 people again....
I also notice that you have not replied to any of my points instead going off on a tangent. Face the facts Aqollo. All the accusations you and Phoenix are heaping on me and gow are for the 1st game of its kind not even hosted by the same guy. And as for that first game, you had everything necessary to remove us all from power. 6 of us versus 12-14 of you. You guys could have United against us and brought us down. Our terms were expiring and when I was proposed for dictator I didn't even know they planned to do so. Dictators last for 1 term. Did you look towards electing me for that 1 single term, saving Rome and then moving on with the game with other Dictators? Nope. You guys whined and complained, assassinated me, I fell, the Dictatorship was null, and Rome came tumbling after. And u our accusing us of being selfish. I was actually quite proud of myself. I managed to get all 6 of the people in the highest positions in 1 faction. Do you know how much PMs and negotiations that took??
Face it you got intimidated. Both you, and Phoenix.
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
2)Caspiel Rex (Darth.)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
The current Consuls have decided to issue a vote on the replacement of Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) (commander of the First Punic War) with :
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
2) 3 fleets and 4 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
2) Guilty
Ship Building
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 4
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Am I the only one who is annoyed by the fact 50% of the posts here are debates about the rules?
Someone Better Than You
Am I the only one who is annoyed by the fact 50% of the posts here are debates about the rules?
Maybe there should be another thread. One for only making turns (this one), and the other for speeches and rebuttals and stuff. We do have an entire empty subforum now so, lets fill it up.
I use my tribune to veto the prosecution, end of discussion.
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
1)Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Trial of Tiberius Numertorius (JF.)
I'd like to abstain from the vote
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
I retire from this game.
Find someone else to take my place.
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
1)Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
3) 4 fleets
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
The Consul and praetor votes are very, very close. Waiting on Pyrrhus,mrarmy, and possibly tito if he bothers to show up but won't wait much longer
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
2)Caspiel Rex (Darth.)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
The current Consuls have decided to issue a vote on the replacement of Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) (commander of the First Punic War) with :
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
2) 3 fleets and 4 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar)
Censor Vote
1)Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus (Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new Legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the Punic War
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed)
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406)
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero)
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
==Turn 2: Phase 3 has begun==
By an offensive into the hinterlands do you mean bypassing the Carthaginian Fleet to land troops or something? I thought the fleet had to killed first before you could begin landing legions.
Ecrit par Darth., 24.08.2016 at 20:46
By an offensive into the hinterlands do you mean bypassing the Carthaginian Fleet to land troops or something? I thought the fleet had to killed first before you could begin landing legions.
Only if Papus wins will I engage...
Ecrit par Tundy, 23.08.2016 at 19:53
I want to buy Bank membership for 1 talent.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
==Turn 3: Phase 1 has begun==
1 talent for +1 on equite roll
Ecrit par Tundy, 23.08.2016 at 19:53
I want to buy Bank membership for 1 talent.
Ok, we just have to wait until the revenue phase for it to take effect.
*btw Sertorius resigns command and returns to rome. Upon arrival he gives a short speech to the Senate
"I will not be a kind Censor, Rome is falling deeper into disarray. Avarice in such times is tantamount to treason!
Therefore, I firmly suggest all incomes derived from concessions be donated in to the state treasury. Your failure to do so will result in prosecution. As an example I will donate 5 talents and I have no concession.
Hail Rome and the eternal Republic!
1 talent to equite roll
5 talents donated to the treasury
3 for equite. 1 to Rome
Lets go again. That roll was unlucky.. strat selection cant fail us forever. But we're going about it the right way.
build 4 fleets.. and raise enough for 2/3 legions and we can do this.
3 for equite. I concur with Phoenix. Rebuild the fleet, amass some new legions, and lets deal with Carthage. I say we ignore the pirates and pay off the Gauls for now. If they attack us again than we can build up new legions to deal with them. But for now, let's focus our efforts on Carthage.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
The Bank
Membership is given for free to those who have successfully completed 2 transactions with the bank, it is also possible to buy a lifetime membership for 1 gold coin.
To take a loan all you have to do is to quote me with the name of the loan you want to take.
[Member] Godfather
Basic Loan = My bank will give you 3 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for the lapse of 4 turns.
[Members Only] Basic Loan II = My bank will give you 3 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you have to permanently deposit 4 gold coins before a lapse of 5 turns.
Modest Loan = My bank will give you 4 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will have to permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for the lapse of 6 turns.
[Members Only] Modest Loan II = My bank will give you 4 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you have to permanently deposit 5 gold coins before a lapse of 6 turns
Extensive Loan = My bank will give you 5 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will have to permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for the lapse of 7 turns.
[Members Only] Extensive Loan II = My bank will give you 5 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will have to permanently deposit 6 gold coins before a lapse of 7 turns.
Campaign Arrangements:
The bank will provide you with 5 votes, in return you will deposit permanently 1 gold coin.
The bank will provide you with 7 votes, in return you will deposit permanently 3 gold coins.
[Free with Membership] The bank will dispatch a seasoned orator to fight for your case, in return you will permanently deposit 1 gold coin
5-Turn Insurance = The bank will hire a tribune to veto your persecution, in return you have to permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for a lapse of 5 turns even if you got persecuted. This protection will end after a period of 5 turns or if a tribune was used to veto.
Failure to follow the agreement of Type 1 loans will result in a 2 gold coin penalty
Failure to follow the agreement of Type 2 loans will render your membership null, and you will receive a 3 gold coin penalty.
Campaign arrangements are first come first serve, i will only provide such services to 1 client a turn
Gaius Antonius as owner of the bank will not lobby against himself
Insurance doesn't cover charges of assassination
The Bank may refuse to offer its services to anyone, but once payment has been made the bank will always honor its part of the deal.
3 talents on Equite
I will donate the rest of my talents, including temple collections to Rome.
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus