Set Attack Turn - It's not only For scenarios but also for mapmakers like me who want promote RP Game or less agressive game, i think could be cool if we have it. Atwar need really new options and this one is maybe not the most like in this poll but it's necessary to give new life to AtWar's game.
I did also another Poll some days ago = http://fr.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=26182 please give me your opinion
열흘 붉은 꽃이 없다 !
Option to see battle phase , pleaseeeee.
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
Spectactor lobby while playing would be nice
What is rank inflation? and what is quality control. there is a map with the big titty bitch swimsuit model. but there r games that have an actual map that gets half points. i am in a game now that is way harder than just a plain world map but less sp. makes no sense to me.
'Rank Inflation' is a term derived by the community, meaning a high rank player, whose SP has been earned in high yielding SP maps and therefore the rank does not reflect the ability of the player. This is more of an issue for players over rank 9. We will always consider feedback and happy to consider tweaking if you have any suggestions in terms of how the SP multiplyer can be affected for individual maps.
Set Attack Turn - It's not only For scenarios but also for mapmakers like me who want promote RP Game
Seems to be a favorite for new players too.
Option to see battle phase , pleaseeeee.
Yes, the battle phase should definitely be available later in turns and to see previous battle phases from previous turns, due to the time disapirty available during particular turns. This is been something I thought necessary since I started playing the game, as the battle rolls are a large part of determining the strategy of an opponent ,) this, has been requested, however wasn't really possible in SL, hopefully the case is different now.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Indian & Atlantic Ocean Preset Option - Would make the countries surrounding the Indian and Atlantic Oceans available as preset maps.
new maps yay!!
I've had some experience lately (though little response from headquarters on the subject) concerning SP farming as it relates to map making and players (rank inflation). Apparently there is a system called "SP Farming" where players build and play in games where they gain rank and SP buy creating maps with high SP values and playing in them with themselves signed on as different players. I don't know how prevalent a problem this is, but a map that a friend of mine made and I collaborated on (flashpoint) was removed from the site because it was considered an SP farming map. It took my friend nearly 6 months to create the map and much of the time was to research GNP for each city in the game so that it was reflective of "real world" economic values. As you know from playing, picking where to start the game is critical for success. Not essential, but you had better know what you're doing if you are going to start off in Africa or Australia as oppose to North American or Asia (correct me if I'm wrong). In any case, because the problem of SP farming is rampant in AtWar, the map was banned and taken of the site. I have no problem with the "spirit" of quality control on the site, but the fact that no one communicated with us about the map. Thus it was recommended that maps be approved before they can be published. I haven't had the time to reflect on the subject since I actually have a life outside of AtWar, but being a member (though one that doesn't spend a lot of time engaging with "headquarters"), the idea of a map approval committee seems misplaced. Unless the idea of SP farming is so extensive that it is a "real problem" instead of a "perceived problem", the effort seems misguided. My 2 cents.
Thanks for playin!
I've had some experience lately (though little response from headquarters on the subject) concerning SP farming as it relates to map making and players (rank inflation). Apparently there is a system called "SP Farming" where players build and play in games where they gain rank and SP buy creating maps with high SP values and playing in them with themselves signed on as different players. I don't know how prevalent a problem this is, but a map that a friend of mine made and I collaborated on (flashpoint) was removed from the site because it was considered an SP farming map. It took my friend nearly 6 months to create the map and much of the time was to research GNP for each city in the game so that it was reflective of "real world" economic values. As you know from playing, picking where to start the game is critical for success. Not essential, but you had better know what you're doing if you are going to start off in Africa or Australia as oppose to North American or Asia (correct me if I'm wrong). In any case, because the problem of SP farming is rampant in AtWar, the map was banned and taken of the site. I have no problem with the "spirit" of quality control on the site, but the fact that no one communicated with us about the map. Thus it was recommended that maps be approved before they can be published. I haven't had the time to reflect on the subject since I actually have a life outside of AtWar, but being a member (though one that doesn't spend a lot of time engaging with "headquarters"), the idea of a map approval committee seems misplaced. Unless the idea of SP farming is so extensive that it is a "real problem" instead of a "perceived problem", the effort seems misguided. My 2 cents.
The issue doesn't directly relate to SP farming and the overall quality of the maps being published.
Okay, if you say so. Thanks for the detailed explanation. It's all so much clearer now...
Thanks for playin!
An editor where you can create borders on unique jpeg images you either create or find on the web. Afterwards you can create a scenario and make it into whatever type of game you want it to be.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Ecrit par Helly, 28.05.2016 at 23:21
An editor where you can create borders on unique jpeg images you either create or find on the web. Afterwards you can create a scenario and make it into whatever type of game you want it to be.
isn't that already what the editor does? perhaps you meant to merge the scenario editor with the map editor?
How about the option where you could use reinforcements to buy stuffs that would increased your income?
Please fix chat and if you guys can make a mobile version would be so much fun!!
for me is a terrible error the actuall set that move the attack who finish the turn before ... and it stop the attack enemy... dont to be important who finish before the turn ... its a strategy game , its important have time to think the game not a run vs time ...
I do not know if I have made it clear , but for me current set rules are very bad ..... specifically the priority to those who finishes first
What about Pause Option?
You wouldn't be able to freeze the game,maybe stop it for you but the others will be free to play,it is like in all multiplayer games.
What about Pause Option?
You wouldn't be able to freeze the game,maybe stop it for you but the others will be free to play,it is like in all multiplayer games.
no, I played other multiplayer games like dota 2 and CS:GO, you can pause but the others can un-pause too and the max pause for each player is 3mins. I don't know if its possible to do it in HTML source.
I speed read through this post, but all of these prefrences should have been added long ago..
What about Pause Option?
You wouldn't be able to freeze the game,maybe stop it for you but the others will be free to play,it is like in all multiplayer games.
no, I played other multiplayer games like dota 2 and CS:GO, you can pause but the others can un-pause too and the max pause for each player is 3mins. I don't know if its possible to do it in HTML source.
I remember back in the days of AOE3 online you could pause the game for everyone. But yeah not sure if its possible here.