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Messages: 10   Visité par: 42 users
07.02.2019 - 08:57
Hey guys,

I know Dave made a thread with clear instructions how to report bugs and eventhough this is about bugs in casual games, its not a typical ''drive-through'' bug.

The actual intention of the creation of this thread, is to collect as much bugs and reports, among from other players that have encountered them during casual games, since casual games are really, but really, buggy.

Note that probably 99% of the bugs contain refreshed games. Meaning that they have ended their turns and moves and disconnect, ony to find out that after their disconnection some moves failed/got lost/merged etc. I think it has something to do with the coding while disconnecting or perhaps reconnecting again? Allthough I am not sure, but it explains why this only occurs in casual games.

I start with a couple of mine:

Problem of this screenshot:
I made 1 marine in Jacksonville and sent that to Miami (10). Had around 5 infs near Charlotte and made 8 infs in Atlanta and merged these to get them into Jacksonville where I had 2 militia and 1 naval transport. I sent all of those to Miami. As you can see on the screenshot, only 1 unit got sent to Miami and that is the marine. Right now I cant move the transport out of Jacksonville either, and is just a waste of 16 units in 1 single turn, which could cost a game, thankfully not in mine, but under alot of other circumstances.

Problem of this screenshot:
I sent 5 infs and 1 tank from Karachi to Oman/UAE. My moves were 4 infs to Abu Dhabi and 1 inf + 1 tank to Oman. After I disconnected and reconnected I noticed that none of these moves were made and all of the units (except the tank) were sitting in the transport as if they were never moved. As you can see in the screenshot, the transport has the tank's canon in it, but only shows 1 unit, namely, the transport. This all changed when the turn ended and I found the tank just chilling in the transport lol.. : The image of the transport also changed:

So eventhough some of these might be minor bugs, they really can change the efficiency of casual games.

Ecrit par Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
07.02.2019 - 09:05
Not to mention that the units tab in casual games shows the wrong strategy.

In this screenshot it shows that I am Perfect Defence, but if you look at the stats it shows Master of Stealth (Which I chose, in the beginning)
What I noticed is that it shows the strategy you have as #1 on your profile. Eventhough its not a big bug, it could be really misleading for players who aren't aware of this bug and make them play as if they are playing a different strategy.

Ecrit par Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
07.02.2019 - 15:06
Well, i have 2 games that i cant do nothing, one is old almost year, even i cant abandon it
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
08.02.2019 - 07:06
Yeah, as soon as you end your turn, you cannot disconnect and reconnect again (at least, you must not save your new moves again; if you don't save when reconnecting, even though the moves are all messed up, they will actually go through correctly. But if you do more moves and save again, you are doomed).

If that could be fixed, and if we could have this "save but do not end turn" button, it would be awesome. It would allow us to put in 15 minutes of play, disconnect because the baby vomited on the computer, clean it (them), come back later, and put another 15 minutes. Or, it would open a totally new world of huge maps that most people with a life don't have time to play in one session.

Anyways, I support your idea of making a thread for casual bugs.

Edit: I noticed that bugs at reconnection occur mostly (only?) with merged/transported stacks. Usually, "single stack" moves are ok.
08.02.2019 - 10:31
Yes you must never go back to a casual game, when you have done "end turn"
Otherwise, there is this kind of event that you have had with transportation units.

Be careful also to the strategy, if you do not select your strategy even if it is displayed by the game, it may not be taken into account.
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
09.02.2019 - 08:53
Theres also the big bug that doesent notify you by email when its time to do your turn. anyone else or just me?
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

09.02.2019 - 17:16
Ecrit par 4nic, 09.02.2019 at 08:53

Theres also the big bug that doesent notify you by email when its time to do your turn. anyone else or just me?

Agree, I remember my pm got spammed with it like years ago, but nowdays it doesn't.

Ecrit par Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
11.02.2019 - 06:02
Ecrit par 4nic, 09.02.2019 at 08:53

Theres also the big bug that doesent notify you by email when its time to do your turn. anyone else or just me?

For my part I am warned every new turn.
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
28.03.2019 - 09:26
Expected behavior
When I push the end turn and refresh the moves should lookes like before i press the buton.
It hapens only with complicated moves to get enough range to reach far target.

Actual behavior
Some Units reach the target some stay on half of the way. Sometimes theyre range is used some times they have still range.
Some time units reach target without the trans this still at stands at startpoint. some time the stack get doubled so the stack reach the target but also same stack stand in middle of way.

Never seen this in fats games. Mabe i get it there because no time to check everything that exactly.

Steps to reproduce the behavior
One actual example in casual world 5k game https://de.atwar-game.com/games/?link=6096334169 at turn 2.

Start situation 1 Gen 5Infs and 3 mils ar at el salvador. Guatamala is empty. but in both citys i have still all reinfs.
1. send 5stealth from guatamala. 1 to mexico-city and 4 to Guadalajara
2. moved the gen + 1mil from el salvador to guatamala there i produce 4 marines and move this stsack little north of guatamala to build wall with the 1mil.
3. produce one airtrans in el salvador and move this with the 5 infs to the stack of step 2.
4. carry 4infs+gen from stack of step 3 to middle of guatamala and mexico-city. i move 1inf out of stack from step. just little up north.
5. move the inf and 4marins from stack step 2 to the airtrans stack from step 4. so the mil stay back alone.
6. moved the gen +4infs to mexico city. the airtrans moves with the 4 marines to the single inf moved out under step 4 and carry him up and go little soth of mexico city. Now the inf goes to Guadalajara to take it. 2marines goes Tampico to take it and the airtrans with 2 unused marines go to mexico city.

Than i press endbutton and refresh and now the move looks like this:
- 4 stealths atack Guadalajara and 1 at mexico city
- the airtrans stays in the middle of guatamala and mexico-city with gen and 4 infs. (they still have the range)
- the 4 marines 1 1inf are not anymore here.
- the other undescriped simple moves all worked.


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OS: MacOS High Sierra
31.03.2019 - 13:50
Its just a display bug.
If you dont do any moves after press end-button it only looks wrong at start of next turn everything is ok.

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