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Posté par Hibiki Verniy, 26.01.2024 - 01:22

Known as the Mutsu Operation, the Japanese Army's plan divided Kyushu into three sectors which were, in turn, broken down into seven sub-divisions. The Sixteenth Area Army estimated that the main American landing effort would be directed against the southeastern coast near Miyazaki, with secondary assaults anticipated to be made at Ariake Wan and along the southwestern coast at Fugiachi Hama on the Satsuma Peninsula. The Japanese were extremely accurate as to the location of the American landing.

Mutsu Operation 1946, is an Ostfront-like [2] versus [2] map made during the times people were complaining that they couldn't fill a 7-player lobby. It follows a reimagination of what would happen if the United States went through with Operation Downfall and invaded Japan in both Kyūshū and Tokyo. Mutsu Operation 1946 will be following the Olympic-side of the invasion. The game is expected to last 50 turns wherein its Mid-game is at T13 and its endgame is T29. The game is played with the following settings:


Minutes per Turn: 5 Minutes
Max Game Duration: 50 Turns
Hold for X Turns: 3 Turns

Mutsu Operation 1946 utilises both the Ground and Naval front that rely on each other to dominate the battlefield. Japanese Mob Cities are located well across the Inland sea and will require constant naval transports to ferry troops, at the same time, the narrowness of the Ground front sometimes forces the Americans to consider utilising landing crafts to sidestep a defensive position and ultimately encircle massive armies. Due to these, Naval units are considered superior to most Land units and should be treated as dangerous units to face off against in numbers.

During the War, it is important to remind yourself that both sides are relatively equal in strength even during the late game. The overwhelming strength of the American units is countered by the sheer amount of troops the Japanese can throw, and during Scrape the Barrel, the Japanese's equally strong units are countered by the fact that they've lost a considerable amount of economy. Mistakes are not treated lightly and will result in quick and instant GGs. Avoid making inexperienced players fight against far more experienced players. If the West-side American Sixth Army is weak, they should face an equally weak Northeastern Japanese Commander.

Lastly, pray thanks to our world's history that this imagination of events did not occur in real life, preventing the ruination of a country and massive blood shed being spilt.


KETSU-GO DEFENCE is the Japanese Team comprising the Northwest and Southeast Kyushu. Their primary goal is to hold, counterattack, and eventually overwhelm the opposition with extreme ease. They gain significant events at the 5th Turn, which is the Campaign of Fire, where they gain access to strong Medium Tanks and the initial release of their Tank Destroyers. 17th Turn, which is the Divine Wind, where the production of strong single-use Suicide Aircraft can easily decimate an unprotected army. And the 29th Turn, which is Scraping the Barrel, where Japan fully bears its full might against the invaders of Kyushu.

➣ The Northwest Kyushu Commander holds the prefectures of Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, and Kumamoto. While also has direct access to Yamaguchi and parts of Hiroshima. Compared to the Southeast, the Northwest has a land bridge connecting their Mob Cities to the front. Losing their Naval Transports does not hinder them of their strength, but only momentarily delay it. They start with TWICE the number of Generals and have fortifications on not just Fukuoka City, but Kumamoto City as well. Minor fortifications can also be found in Sasebo and Nagasaki City.

➣ The Southeast Kyushu Commander holds the prefectures of Oita, the remains of Miazaki, as well as the last of Kagoshima. They play a more minor role but are directly at the front of the battle at the start of the war. The island of Shikoku is theirs to control and that is also where their Mob Cities are located. Compared to the Northwest, losing their Naval Transports is a death sentence, as the hopes of reinforcing your front become useless due to the inland sea being in the way. As such, there is an expectation for Naval Supremacy from this Commander and thus, should protect the Bungo Channel with their lives. Their fortification is at Oita City.


KYUSHU INVASION is the American Sixth Army Team split into the West and East side of the invasion. Both start with a staggeringly large stack that will overwhelm any defensive locations early on and should at least guarantee the Army control over the Kagoshima prefecture. In-game, each turn is a month, it is important to know this as American Units evolve yearly which means one every 12 turns. They do not have many notable events and are expected to conquer Kyushu with just their unit strength and skill.

➣ the Sixth Army[West] Commander starts from South Kagoshima and controls the Third Fleet. They start with only a single General and Army Corp with a second one coming only at the 9th turn. They also started with a landing fleet located near the Third Fleet, allowing them to quickly secure nearby islands or threaten the prefecture of Nagasaki under a turn.

➣ the Sixth Army[East] Commander starts from East Kagoshima and controls the Fifth Fleet. They start with two Generals and Army Corps and have a stronger combined starting stack than its Allied Counterpart. They are to advance at the East side of the combat zone and contain the Southeast Enemy Commander by both securing Naval Supremacy and pushing them to their Capitals in the ground. They have a strong 19th Turn event to successfully control the Bungo Channel.


Both Japanese Commanders should play either Imperialism or Perfect Defence. However, Relentless Attack, Sky Menace, Logistical Wizard, and Lucky Bastard are also potential options. They will be quickly overwhelmed on the Ground but will maintain fairly reasonable control over the Air and Naval fronts. The Southeast Commander is expected to delay enemy advance at the East side while also making sure both of their Tokyo Express units (their primary Naval Transport) are relatively safe from harm.

By the mid-late game, the Southeast Commander is most likely forced to sit in Oita City (the Stalingrad of this map). The Northwest Commander is expected to play more aggressively and should try to attack as much as possible if capable. Compared to their allies, the Northwest has both the fortified city of Fukuoka and Kumamoto to worry about. By the mid-game, the Allies are expected to be besieging Kumamoto already and as such, with two generals, one should be in Kumamoto City defending it with their life. There's no problem not holding the City itself, but it provides respectable reinforcements that will be detrimental to the Japanese Defence.

➣ During CAMPAIGN OF FIRE, both Japanese Commanders should improve their main stacks with newly acquired tanks and should start sending a few of them on skirmish battles. Using Convoys to their advantage, they should move around the American stack and capture cities to both reduce their population and income which the Americans will need.

➣ During DIVINE WIND, access to the Kamikaze Plane A6M Zero "Divine Wind", will be available. Utilize them to wear down the primary American stack OR eliminate smaller stacks that are not with the main stack. The powerful Zero can easily be thwarted by Anti-Aircraft, so keep in mind where to hit and what to hit.

➣ During SCRAPE THE BARREL, all hell breaks loose. The Southeast Commander will gain control of the Battleship Nagato. Utilize the battleship to quickly overwhelm opponents in the sea while both Commanders start overwhelming the Americans by land. A reminder that your elite units are not an instant victory, attack with caution but also with confidence.


Both American Commanders have more lenient choices for strategy. However, if unsure, stick to Imperialism. Their starting stacks are incredibly strong with the West-side Commander having a landing force right off the bat. Quickly run over Japanese early-game defences and start amassing giant stacks that will rival the Japanese.

The East-side Commander should work their way towards the outskirts of Oita City while also attempting to gain control at the Sea. At the moment that Japanese Tokyo Expresses are eliminated, consider attempting bold moves. The West-side Commander meanwhile will be facing the more stronger Japanese opposition. They will be quickly bogged down and may lose their stack if the Japanese consider your main army to be weak. Both American Commanders should try to help each other's front if possible so potential disasters do not occur, and remind each other that the longer this war lasts, the weaker they get.

➣ During 1946 (Turn 0 - 12), both American Commanders should make progress on capturing as many Japanese cities as they can get. They are allowed to ignore WF rules to help with this. By the late stages of 1946, they should already be facing in stalemate against the equally numerous Japanese Army. At the 9th Turn, the West-side Commander will gain its 2nd General.

➣ During 1947 (Turn 13 - 24), both American Commanders will get upgraded yet more expensive units. In this phase, attempt to break through a front and force one of them to sit in their Capital, most likely the enemy Southeast. After containing one of them, work together to deal with the 2nd opponent. By the middle of 1947, the Japanese would become far more aggressive, so it was expected that the Americans would have an ample amount of Infantry.

➣ During 1948 (Turn 25 - 36), both American Commanders will get significantly expensive units, but their strength may still be the same as back in 1947. During this phase, both American Commanders are expected to have decimated either Fukuoka or Oita Cities or will attempt to do so. This phase will be the start of your suffering economy, failure to eliminate a Japanese Commander during this will result in your army being wiped out by an improved force as well as the inability to create another equally strong army to match the Japanese.

➣ During 1949 and beyond (Turn 36+), there is no hope for the American Commanders to win or eliminate the Japanese Commanders, if leading by SP, they should start playing defensively and delay the game as much as possible until the 50th Turn.
09.02.2024 - 20:21
UNIT UPDATE (10/2/2024)

Type 38 75mm Field Gun ➣ Removed (It was only buildable for Turn 1 to Turn 4. Afterwards, it had no more purpose.)
Type 4 15cm Howitzer ➣ Reduced Range from 8 to 7 (To match the speed of similar IJA Artillery)
Type 4 15cm Howitzer ➣ Reduce Cost from 110 to 100
Type 89 15cm Cannon ➣ Reduced Crit from 12 to 8
Type 89 15cm Cannon ➣ Reduced Cost from 120 to 115 (To match the +15 cost incremental of IJA Artillery)

All IJA Artillery ➣ Reduced Defence by 1.
IJA Infantry ➣ Reduced Crit from 5 to 3
A6M Zero "Divine Wind" ➣ Increased Cost from 165 to 170

EVENT UPDATE (10/2/2024)

Southeast Kyūshū ➣ Retweaked location of Japanese Fleet Submarines to be evenly distributed between Turn 1 (15 subs) and Turn 5 (10 subs) instead of dropping it all in 1 turn.
Southeast Kyūshū ➣ Retweaked positions of Naval mines to cover the Bungo Channel while using fewer units.
Northwest Kyūshū ➣ Removed Naval mine positions near Kitakyushu (It was redundant as Kitakyushu was already a Fortified Port. (reduced unit clutter)

[USA] Sixth Army (East) ➣ Spawns with 1 Landing Craft in The Fifth Fleet. (will not be replaced if it perishes)
Tender is the Night...
10.02.2024 - 23:24
UNIT UPDATE (11/2/2024)

⇮ To End The War! ➣ Reduced Cost from 2500 to 2000 (Reducing Upkeep by 50)
⇮ In the Backfoot! ➣ Reduced Cost from 3000 to 2800 (Reducing Upkeep by 20)

American Infantry Remnants ➣ Increased Cost from 75 to 90
American Infantry Remnants ➣ Reduced Crit from 9 to 5
P-80 "Shooting Star" ➣ Reduced Defence from 10 to 9
M114 155mm Howitzer (1948+) ➣ Reduced Defence from 5 to 4
M26 Pershing (1948+) ➣ Reduced Defence from 8 to 7
Tender is the Night...
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